Sick in a summer weekend

Turns out that the off day was the start of an off weekend.  My stomac wasn't upset because of coffee but because of stomac flu. That also explains probably the many diaper accidents Beertje accumulated on Friday.  We must share the same virus again.

The weekend had such great summer predictions and we were all set to go to the Ardennes to enjoy the sun and the garden there. We'd see the atttic structures finished (we hope) and Kabouter was excited to test sleeping in a big bed for the first time as preparation for the new bed(s) he'll get soon. But it didn't happen.  Instead I've spent 36 hours in bed and bathroom.

Thank goodness Jan was home to take the children out and leave me alone to sleep in an empty quiet house.  I felt too weak to walk up and down the staircase very often, let alone take care of the children.

Fortunately stomac flu never takes very long so I am feeling better already today on Sunday. I still have zero energy but I was good enough to get dressed and hang out in the sun in the park.  So the weekend had a happy ending with a good summer feeling.


Leslie said…
I'm glad you're feeling better. I love the pictures! We had a summer-like weekend here, too. I love this weather!

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