10 jobs in which I would suck and why

Moedership always has fun lists made on Friday because "Friday is list day".  At the start of the month she reflected on jobs that she wouldn't be able to do.  It seemed like a fun reflection so I tried to make my own list

  • Surgeon

    Even though I remember as a child observing the slaughtering of chickens and rabbits with great interest by our  neighbour, I've grown afraid to watch blood.  I watch shy away on tv, I couldn't have dreamt to be present during my father's brain surgery.  I've never been able to watch documentories on that type of surgery. I vigorously look away when the doctor needs to tap me blood.
    When little Kabouter fell and needed stitches I only managed to glance at the wound for 2-3 seconds, long enough to realise a band-aid would not do and decide to drive to the ER while holding a sterile gauze on top of the wound to keep it out of my sight.

    So now, that might get a little difficult if I need to cut up people, mess around near their organs and dip into some blood.  A fainting sick surgeon doesn't seem so efficient.

  • Garbage pick-up

    Given the fact I gag heavily as soon as I smell something bad, picking up garbage or even worse, rotting green waste doesn't seem to work well if I'm vomiting all along.

    (yes seriously it's more than gagging.  There's situations that happen when you have little children, that I couldn't cope without creating first some mess of my own).

  • Being a speech writer
    I'm not exactly a champion of writing ideas short and to the point, am I? I love to rephrase my ideas, explain them a little more and being very lenghty in what I write.

  • A seamstress

    I had to sew some scouting logo's on Kabouter's shirt this year...I managed to sew his arm together and I ended up in tears after a few hours. I think that says it all but I made myself a promise never to sew another logo to that shirt anymore.

  • A kindergarden teacher

    I love being around the children. I love to read books or do some calm activities but I hate doing crafts.  And I can't put myself very well into the children's phantasy games (although I'm not sure you need to do so as a teacher).

  • Sales person

    I hate to convince people to buy something

  • Household help/ cleaner

    I need help to do any of these chores I hate.  All typical household tasks make me deeply unhappy.  There's too much to do always at your own home so why would I burden myself with someone else's chores as well. No thank you

  • Bus driver

    (or any other job where you can't use a toilet at the moment you'd want one).
    That would stress me out like crazy. It's my personal hell.

  • Some legal worker in the justice system

    I'm afraid I'd lose my faith in society if confronted with too much crime (and no regret)

  • Astronaute

    Way too scary if something would go wrong


Moederschip said…
Ook een mooi lijstje! Veel van deze dingen lijken me ook de hel, onder andere nu ik heb mogen proeven van het beroep van kleuterjuf :D
Kris10 said…
Knutselen is ook echt stom he? Ik sla de knutselopdrachten die de school ons bezorgt gewoon over :p

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