Meeting point

Heathrow Express ticket office, 4/1/07 14u Paddington Station:

We needed no red rose or folded newspaper or any other visual code. Much to our both relief and stress, Lisa and I found each other without any problem into a big excited hug.

Funny how we are so used to mobile phones. "yeah, I'll see you there in that area around that time" without specifying too many details . If you don't find each other, if one is a bit later, you just give a call nowedays. But meeting Lisa could not work that way since her mobile phone would not work here and we still had to get her a UK Sim card. She had my number, but I'd have to simply wait for a phonecall from her. And that made me stressed about meeting her.

But coming up the stairs out of the tube, she was immediately in my sight. And the catching up of memories and stories could start as well as some tourist explorations together! :-)


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