Ch ch ch chaaaanges

after lots of rewarding work.

oh and before you wonder....those hideous orange tiles will disappear as well!


Korie said…
Yeah, I was wondering if those tiles were there or if you put them in yourselves/
Jenn said…
Wow, that does look like lots of work.

I'm with Kat, I kind of like the orange tiles. =)

yab said…
Van mij mogen de oranje tegels wel verdwijnen. ;-)
Jen said…
I can't get over your industriousness!
Brian Miller said…
what i like the tiles! smiles. looking good~!
Anonymous said…
Nu wel blij zeker dat je beslist hebt om er toch helemaal voor te gaan...?

R. Duckie said…
Hi Goofball, thanks for your comment, I am still alive, I have been off the cruise ships for a year, at home in Canada. I am doing well. My laptop is still broken and I lost the spirit for blogging!
Goofball said…
@Kat, Jenn, Briand: let me know if you want some of them, they'll be available soon :)

@yab: groot gelijk, ze zijn nog lelijker van dichtbij

@Jen: well if we weren't working in the office this summer, we were renovating with a few mandatory family visits in diving, no music festivals so far this summer. The place was so disgustingly dirty that we were very motivated to get on with it!

@R Duckie: well I hope you find your appetite for blogging again!

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