Maine, lobster country

After searching for covered bridges for a couple of days, we arrived in Maine where our focus shifted again for little harbors and lighthouses. We had reserved 1,5 days on Mt Desert Island near Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park (where North America's only fjord is!), the longest we stayed in any place after Boston and with hindsight, I'd say that was an absolute minimum because there is so much beauty to discover!
Once again the weather gods were a bit against us, planning a lot of icy wind, low clouds and lots of rain for 24 hours of our stay there. Grrr. But we made the best of it! Seduced by all the flyers and the little movies in the hotel, we went aboard the whale watching boats. Hey, they day before they had seen 4 different types of whales, so I was really excited. We had been whale watching off from Tofino on Vancouver Island and had seen one whale from distance so this would be sooo much better!

However the whales kept hiding for us...or more likely due to the hail and rain and icy wind, all passengers stayed inside as much as possible where the windows fogged. I simply think it was impossible to see any whale around, even they might have been nearby. More and more passengers started to feel sick and their sight and their smelll made my stomac upset as well despite my motion sickness pills I had taken, so I fled to the outside deck as much as possible anyway. I was absolutely freezing there but more healthy. So the trip wasn't quite as shown on the tv spots, but I suppose we should have realised that ourselves with the given weather predictions. The rest of the time we drove around the island, checking out the multiple little harbors, views, the lighthouse, ... and the weather improved all the time so we did have a chance to see it with some blue skies as well. Unfortunately there was no time left to do some hiking on the many many available trails anymore.

After Acadia National Park, our descent towards Boston had started along Maine's zigzag coastline. More (lobster) harbors and lighthouses came our way. Little by little all postits out of our guidebooks disappeared which felt rather saddening, and less and less postits remained to be discovered.
Breakfast in Belfast: check,
walk in Camden: check
lighthouse on Peninquit Point: check
eat a big lobster: check

Our last 2 days progressed really quickly and we approached Massachussets again quickly to spend our last evening in bewitched Salem.
