A major Flemish newspaper launched an online test to measure how pro-Belgian or pro-seperaratic they are. After one day 60000 (Flemish?) people have tried it already. Quite interesting to see what type of stats come out of it:
- The average participant is 54% seperatistic (50% being slightly edged towards separatism but not very convinced seperatistic either).
- People from Brussels are 75% pro-Belgian
- Older people are more seperatistic than young people....I find that very interesting. Do we loose our empathy, patience and solidarity when we grow older?
- Man are more seperatistic, woman are more pro-Belgian.
I am scoring fairly average but more pro-Belgian than seperatistic which fits with my previous statements.
oh....and the government negotiations are still going on with 2 subagreements signed so far (on immigration and foreign affairs) there is still hope for our federal government ;-)