Work in progress sounds like progress

"Is your house finished now?" some people ask referring to the major renovations we've done 2-4 years ago. "Which house is ever finished?" I usually reply. Seriously is there any Belgian who considers his house ever as finished? I don't think so. My parents once said "if you think you are done in your house, you are getting old!'. Much truth in that!

Anyway, we're truly not out of inspiration for the "continuous improvements" or the "finishing touch" chores in our house and now and then we do keep our plastering / painting / decorating skills up to date. That'll be important soon :p

Before: One of the corners of our house which I've skillfully managed not to get on picture so far, despite an entire post dedicated to our hidden staircase, was the badly in need of repair wall under/above the stairs.
big patches of plaster were gone or dangling loose showing some wooden beams, ancient electric cable tubes were idly still attached on the outside going from nowhere to nowhere, the wall was horribly uneven, ....

Intermediate : After some work around Christmas and this weekend, the wall , although not quite finished yet, looks already sooooo much more presentable.

Before: a marvellous bathroom with a tiny unfinished part under the cabinets.

Intermediate: a beam closes off and has had its first layer of primer.


Brian Miller said…
nice. got a few repairs i need to get to around the house myself...
Goofball said…
@Brian: wow, you've just won the speedy comment award :p
rozebril said…
Schoon gedaan. En echt waar, toen ik bij jullie was, had ik dat dus echt niet opgemerkt, die kapotte muur. Bewijs dat je zo'n dingen vooral zelf ziet, de anderen merken dit meestal niet op (dit is in elk geval wat ik altijd tegen mezelf zeg als ik onafgewerkte stukken in ons huis zie ;-))
Korie said…
Looks good! I'm jealous of the whole, finished floor thing.stem

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