Filling bottles and building bridges in the woods
My little nephew is 2 days our house-guest. On a hot day as today I took him to the woods.
Not too far from us there's a known old water source in the forest, that much too my amazement sees a continuous line of people that come to fill boxes full of empty water containers. He found the idea of getting water from the woods quite amusing, so we were often in line to refill our bottles and take a drink.
(damn I read now that it is said if you drink from this water you are married within the year....maybe my nephew was a bit young to drink :p)
Where there's water....there's a little creek that needs a bridge so we started building to ensure the prince & the princess would be able to cross.
We ended up in the playground
Not too far from us there's a known old water source in the forest, that much too my amazement sees a continuous line of people that come to fill boxes full of empty water containers. He found the idea of getting water from the woods quite amusing, so we were often in line to refill our bottles and take a drink.
(damn I read now that it is said if you drink from this water you are married within the year....maybe my nephew was a bit young to drink :p)
Where there's water....there's a little creek that needs a bridge so we started building to ensure the prince & the princess would be able to cross.
We ended up in the playground