
Waking up was hard, but that was not new. The cough that burst in was however. By noon there was a running nose and I wanted the heating a bit higher. Argh, a cold. I counted the hours before I could call it a day and head home.

In the train I tried to curl up as far as my fellow passengers as possible, trying not to cough too much into their conversation while getting irritated by their chatter on boat renovations.

Finally home after the 3h commute, time to curl up in the sofa under a little blanket until Jan was home too and then time to sleep...hopefully enough to beat that mild fever.

A night of twisting, turning, sweating and aching eyes didn't bring any relief, on the contrary. This mild fever was no longer mild and this cold had mutated into a flu.  While the doctor got the stitches out  he instructed me to rest and let the world pass by me for a couple of days.  No problem, I was not inclined to do anything else.

Shivering, shivering, ....I already turned the heating up and added a blanket, I'm still cold.  When am I going to be warm again?

Ugh, my head is glowing, my eyes hurt, I can't lift my head. Shouldn't this be better already? Is this normal that my fever keeps going up and up despite anti-fever medication? I'm worried, never had such a high fever before...doze off again with telephone number of doctor on duty next to me.

Snap, I wake up suddenly out of the depths of a feverish sleep. It's dark outside, I'm confused. What time is it? How long have I been sleeping? Where's Jan? My fever did go down, I can feel that and I've been sweating like mad. Phew. I take a warm bath  before I return to bed again.

I wake up when Jan comes home from the dive club event, where I couldn't defend my quiz cup this year :( . I'm still sweating off the fever like crazy, changing in new dry clothes regularly. It's impossible to compensate by drinking enough fluids.

The need of sick leave extension has become obvious & gets confirmed by the doctor. I guess I can get back in bed without guilt feeling. 

Slowly I start feeling better, start paying attention to the news again, think about laundry that needs to be done, but filling a machine is exhausting already.  It's so nice to simply curl up in bed again and let myself doze off.Every optimistic plan to start doing something for a few hours quickly fades. Flu isn't cured when the fever goes down, I'm told. It'll take time to build up my energy again. But I'm prepping myself to go back at work. Being home starts to be annoying.

(these are extracts from the previous week...I am trying to resurface and have started working again)


Autumn Leaf said…
Een lelijke griep had jou te pakken, seg! Valt niet veel tegen te doen behalve de storm uitzitten... Have chicken soup and plenty of water and rest, was het doktersadvies dat ik in de VS kreeg toen ik er eens compleet geveld geraakte door een griepvirus. Dat leek me toen belachelijk advies, maar uiteindelijk had hij gelijk. Blij dat je intussen beter voelt. Doe nog maar even rustig aan.
Brian Miller said…
ugh...i am glad you are feeling better now...not fun at all to be sick...blah

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