Count your blessings - October 2016

  1. A parking spot in front of the door opens up (after you first had to search and park really far away) when you had to load a lot of things into the trunck of the car.  I managed to repark the car in front of the door, load everything , right before a big rain shower started.
  2. "Nog eens kriebelen"
    Having a tickle fight with Kabouter just before bedtime and sucking in his contageous laughter
  3. Observing Jan and Kabouter putting together a storage rack together with great concentration and good collaboration.

    Or see them together working on a birthday crown for my mother in law.

    or see the concentration on Kabouter's face when he's making another attempt to put on his own jacket and trying to push his arm in the right sleeve.
  4. Feeling that the heating has been turned on in the office when arriving at work on one of the first chilly automn mornings
  5. Sun shining on misty slopes during my morning commute
  6. A hot bath after a day of hard physical work
  7. A baby that unconsciously makes hilarious foam sculptures on top of his head
  8. Godfathers and godmothers that welcomed our children with a big smile, once or twice, for a (part of the ) weekend this month so we could work efficiently at home without distraction of the little ones. 
  9. The return of the free hot soup at lunchtime at work for the winter. We are spoiled.
  10. 20 minutes of pure relaxation during the monthly chair massage at work, just when your muscles were painfully sore.   Did I mention we get spoiled there?
  11. Jumping in a pile of raked leaves
  12. Glorious autumn weather
This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  
As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be greatfull for them. This is the 9th edition. You can find all of them via this link


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