Seven thoughts after a bit more than 2 weeks of school

  1. It's really nice to have the boys at one spot and walk both of them down to the school.
  2. I want to profit from having both of them at the nearby school to first walk them to school and back home before I get into the car to drive to work. In the past I dropped them off by car on my way to work since I still had 2 stops to do.  It's fun to have done this small walk before work, yet I seem to loose the extra time that I have won by not going to the daycare anymore.
    However now there's mornings that Jan takes the boys and I do not have any child to drop off and then I arrive earlier at work. 
  3. I really need to calculate the time to fill the food boxes for both boys: 2 fruit boxes, 4 cookie boxes, sometimes lunch boxes and water bottles.  Even though that's all quickly done, it's some serial work that you need to take into account in the morning routine. With only Kabouter, I often had him almost at the door with his jacket and backpack on, to realise I  still had to provide with some fruit and cookies. Right now I better think of that before we are at the door. 
  4. There's always 6 of those little boxes in the dish washer, 6 to get ready,  frequently one temporarily lost/forgotten , ...we need a lot of those little tupperware boxes and those take a lot of space in the cupboards!
  5. The amount of newsletters that appear now is also doubled. It makes sense but I'm still getting used to get several class letters in the weekend now.  
  6. Both our boys are so easily distracted and stall time when they arrive in class and must put their bags and all the belongings in the right spot.  Since it's all new for Beertje, I accompagny him first but usually Kabouter is not done yet when I arrive in his class. 
  7. Beertje is, as was expected, much more tired now that he goes to school full time. Twice he dozed off at the dinner table and asked to go bed himself. A few more times he fell asleep in my arms during our bedtime routine. ...I loved it and sat there for a while. 


ElsS said…
preparing boxes the night before can make a big difference during the morning rush ;-)
Goofball said…
Hi Elss: yes that is true, except for some fruits. In fact if I know I'll be in a rush and doing the morning routine on my own without Jan, I already did so the previous year with only Kabouter. But all the routines and best practices are a bit forgotten over the summer and I was simply surprised about the amount of boxes to fill now that there's 2 boys. So...organisation and preperation are key.

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