The Peace Carillon at the Park Abbey is playing

We had waited for 2 months, but today it was finally time for the new Peace Carillon to sing across the fields surrounding the Park Abbey.

Quite symbolically the new carillon, a replica of the historic carillon destroyed by the German troops from the city of Neuss in WWI and among other co-sponsored by the city of Leuven and Neuss.

As of September I wanted to hear the bells play on their maiden day.  Obviously they had played before to test the system and tune etc.  In the morning there was the official opening with a lot of officials present, all the sponsors of the bells and an official delegation of the city of Neuss.

In the afternoon the general public could go to listen to the carillon's music. The big buss from Neuss just left when we arrived.  The weather was rainy and grey, which felt appropriate for remembrance of the world wars, but less to celebrate the new sound of peace.  There wasn't any activity for remembrance anymore so we could only stroll around the abbey site, which is always nice but also a bit disappointing. The much announced event wasn't much of an event anymore.

Kabouter and Beertje kept running into classmates from their nearby school.  We listened at several spots to the music and walked through part of the gardens that haven't been accessible for quite a while due to the ongoing renovations of the big abbey grounds.


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