The new normal when living in a pandemic crisis

Things that we learned to judge as "normal" in just 3 weeks time
  • Having conversations across the street or talking to friends from across the sidewalk to someone in the door. 
  • Home deliveries that ring the doorbell, leave something on the doorstep and back -up and leave (even without waiting whether you are there to open the door)
  • Other people cross the street when you approach them on the sidewalk and you feel grateful.
    Or you step down on the road to cross, since that road is empty anyhow
  • Leaving chalk messages on the sidewalk (to say hi, congratulations, to create a walk for your classmates) in front of friend's houses
  • Wave to other people's children in business meetings
  • Having appetizers with friends in a digital meeting talking to a computer screen
  • Trying to cut our own bangs (haircut)
  • Standing in line outside for a fairly calm supermarket , waiting for our turn to go inside
  • Getting the question to go and wash your hands in the store's bathroom first before you can do any shopping.
    Getting the question to sanitize the hands with alcohol gel before using the direct debit machine to pay
  • Refusal to pay with cash money in stores.
  • Running laundry loads of cooking fresh soup during business hours
  • Ordering your parents not to meet anyone
  • Wishing everyone to stay safe on a daily basis as the new greetig
  • Delivery times of webshops that have become very uncertain (but it doesn't matter because you're home anyway)
  • Catching up work after the children's bedtime or in the weekend
  • People covered with masks, scarfs , etc...and wearing gloves despite nice weather
  • Being aware that one of the neighbour's probably went grocery shopping since the cars parked in front of our door have moved for the first time in days. 
  • TV talk shows without public. (or with a handful guests spread out over a huge empty studio)
  • Opening the news updates at noon each day to check how many people died (and not feeling in shock anymore as 2 weeks's a sad fact that we even start getting used to this type of date). 
  • Asking friends whether they are still working or temporarily unemployed. Checking statistics each day to see how much business has declined. 
  • Doing yoga or sports in front of a computer screen
  • Empty streets, empty skies, closed restaurants, closed pubs, closed stores (unless food)
  • Giving up dreams of travelling in the near(?) future
  • Having an empty agenda


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