16 random pictures of the last 6 weeks
1. E-commerce delivers anything (with a lot of patience) in Corona lockdowns. Even Ikea tries home deliveries although you can feel it is not their core business (if your delivery note is a picking instruction). But since Jan and I disturb each other while being in video calls next to each other almost entire days, the boys have received each a tiny little desk in their rooms which now serves as an escape for either Jan or me when we want to "phone in silence".
2. We're still puzzling. But the last puzzel is taking longer. We've started it in the last week of April and I crossed my fingers we'd not run out of puzzles before school would start again but clearly it didn't. I guess I've really picked up work again and do not find as much time and this hell of a purple sky isn't motivating Kabouter too much anymore either. So while the lockdown is easing down, it's good we're also easing down our puzzling addiction. We have a 4th one waiting with a winter image so I don't think we'll start it anymore this summer now it looks like we get the possibility to do a greater variety of things again. I'll save it for the autumn lockdown ;).
3. Weekends now come with a pancake tradition.
4. Home distance teaching could be as creative as an entire street chalked with jump/ math exercises to visit during a walk. The picture doesn't show how busy and how much effort the teachers had put in this street update.
5. Already before all stores could reopen, the boys were lucky to find that ice cream parlors were open for ice-cream take out. In April on sunny days the waiting lines were simply incredible but on a grey May day we were lucky to pick up a cone without line.
6. Church bells and carillons are an important aspect of Flemish culture and I love the sound of bells in my life. The young peace carillon at the Park Abbey (as well as the university library carillon) were playing a weekly concert once a week to lift up the spirits and it was broadcast live on FB. But I could enjoy both live sound, live view and inside live view all combined :).
7. Just love this picture
8. The city of Leuven child masks are quite colorful and picture local monuments.
9. Two concentrated Star War boys
10. The pedestrian/bike bridge that broke down a few years ago is finally getting repaired and in 2 months we'll get our direct access to the Park Abbey back!
12. Hairdressers could reopen but I've not been so smart as to put me on the waiting list during the lockdown. So we still have to wait 4 weeks before we can get our Corona hair tamed. The boys in the mean time can make a pony tail much to their horror.
Jullie jongens lijken op elkaar en toch weer niet :-)
Mmmmmm pannenkoeken...
En mmmm, pannenkoeken!
Hoe plezant dat die klokken over een stad kunnen klinken. En nu heb ik echt met reuze smile gewandeld ten ok in de wekelijkse concertjes "always look on the bright side of life" enz hoorde over de velden en straten waaien. Dat biedt toch troost en verbondenheid?
Perfect Day van Lou Reed was niet voor de gelegenheid. Was al veel langer te horen. Ik vond het in maart echt vreemd klinken, in een uitgestorven stad.