Count your blessings - April 2020

  1. A first outside dinner this year with friends visiting in the garden (ok that was still end of March)
  2. Spring weather end of March and now at the end of April again
  3. Successfully traveling with our cat to the east of Belgium to  take an extended long Easter weekend there
  4. Starting to read in library books again
  5. Taking a few days of Corona leave in this extended "Easter break"
  6. My mother and my mother-in-law getting their first vaccination shot in the past month
  7. Completely catching up in my blog read backlog, which hasn't happened in a few years I believe (and planning many posts ahead on this blog)
  8. The smell in the house when Jan is baking cupcakes with the children
  9. Fresh snow again! Loads of fresh snow.  A great amount of fresh snow.  Sledging and snowmen were back.  And no traffic issues nevertheless
  10. Weekend mornings in pyjama on the sofa and a coffee and this laptop (see point 7)
  11. Harvesting again at the CSA farm
  12. A purring cat on your arm
  13. Tiny baby pony's in the field
  14. A cleaned up garden house
  15. Lunch outside again after those icy couple of weeks
  16. The first colleagues that also get vaccinated...finally things seem to progress. yeay.  So fun to outbook someone in our team planning for this reason.
  17. Singing along loud with my dad's playlist and feeling his presence as a warm blanket
  18. Visiting in the garden
  19. Fresh flowers and vegetables planted in the garden
  20. Booking vacations for the 2nd half of the year. Cross our fingers!
  21. 25% of the Belgian population got its first vaccination shot since yesterday.  Nice milestone.

This is a monthly list of simple things in my life that make me happy or that make me smile.  
As the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I want to pay attention to these small things that make me happy in my daily life and be grateful for them. You can find all of them via this link 


Anne said…
Echt wel opvallend dat je mee bent met bloglezen :-D
Goofball said…
@Anne: 5 dagen achterstand = > 100 posts achterstand. Damn, iedereen blogt teveel of ik volg teveel blogs

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