Walk around Butgenbach - Witzfield- Warche valley

The children start picking up longer distances and the walks have been redesigned in town. That triggers some investigation on the local walking maps and the discovery of new itineraries.  2 weeks ago we went to Butgenbach.  Jan designed a walk based on "nodes" on some walking maps...something that exists everywhere in Belgium and most of the east of Belgium (except our city where there is a separate walking map). 

We parked near the well-known recreation/sport area near the lake and started off on the Ravel for the first bit of our itinerary until we could turn off into the woods. I must say I was relieved.  Too much people on the Ravel and near the Worriken center. Especially since we left in the morning after I had drunk too much coffee, so I was dying to get some privacy in the woods as soon as possible! 

Tunnel under the RAVeL

We climbed a hill in the woods and arrived in the valley between Bütgenbach and Witzfield with far views on fields and valleys.  At the valley bottom there were some little creeks that would joins the Warche river we know so well. 

Out in the sun it was actually surprisingly nice and after a while we were all walking into our sweaters. Glorious feeling. Give me more of spring! 

After a while we joined the Warche valley which feeds into the Butgenbach lake...and afterwards flows towards our village in the Warche valley which we visit almost each weekend  and then into Robertville  lake. But here it is still a wild creek meandering wildly back and forth in a valley. I adored this nature area were we were alone except for 2 fisherman that had walked into the fields with all their material to go and catch some fish.  They had to be up for some walk as the valley was hidden from all nearby roads. 

We reached the river mouth where the Warche river reached the Bütgenbach dammed lake.  Immediately we reached a lot of pedestrians going for a walk around the lake. Nevertheless the lake borders gave me some flashbacks to Canada. 

After 8 kms we were happy but with a rumbling stomac.   And the idea rose to get a picknic backpack for next time we want to go for a walk just before lunch time...to be continued. 


Anne said…
Voordeel van het slechte weer: we hadden zo'n Ravel route helemaal voor ons alleen. Nadeel: het was beestig koud :-)
Goofball said…
@Anne: ja en weekdagen/ weekends zullen wellicht ook wel substantieel verschil maken. We zijn er per defintie enkel in weekends en vakantiedagen.

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