What if...

  1. We could understand the language of birds and could actually hear the birds talk when they sing or tsjilp...and understand the bird's gossip or fights or food wishes. 
  2. How noisy and distracting the forest would become
  3. Potato chips would be truly healthy and it would be recommended to eat minimum 500 gr per day. Would I still love it as much? 
  4. What if we wouldn't be able to lie anymore. Would that be refreshing or scary? Would we get into fights more?
  5. This COVID-19 vaccinations would also eradicate the other corona viruses that give us colds...wouldn't that be awesome. But right now I suppose the best scenario is that they turn COVID-19 in something like a cold.
  6. Still, it's not science fiction, some scientist search for the all-inclusive corona vaccination. 
  7. We could pause time now and then.  Would we then all be paused in a motionless standstill, picture ourselves, immobile but aware? Would that be a good moment for some meditation or overthinking a problem? Would we still feel warmth or a touch or something? 
  8. The world ran out of cacao and hence a lack of chocolate?   I wouldn't care a bit but would you all be very cranky? Should I be worried after all?
  9. There would be a cheap ecological fast solution to travel to the other side of the world?  Now that "homeworking" has become so natural, would we still be at home or just travel/work all over? 
  10. Any food combination would taste delicious...what recipe would you invent? 

Friday is listday according to Moederschip so I was brainstorming a bit. 


yab said…
I would be awfully cranky if the world ran out of cacao! So of course you should be worried!
Anne said…
Ik heb jarenlang geen chocola gegeten omdat ik dacht dat ik er pukkels van kreeg. Het was een serieuze misvatting en ik eet weer chocola, maar ik kan dus ook zonder.
Goofball said…
@notetomyself: what if I didn't screw up the numbered list so much :D
Goofball said…
@Yab: ok genoteerd. Als er geen chocolade meer in de wereld is, komt yab bij ons best ook geen sushi meer eten (of we moeten overdaad aan alcohol serveren om te compenseren?)
Goofball said…
@anne: en is je humeur anders met of zonder?
Anne said…
@goofball mijn humeur blijft hetzelfde. Koffie, da's een ander paar mouwen. Ik kom met goed humeur een dag of een week of een jaar zonder chocola door. Maar pak me m'n koffie af, en ik sta niet in voor de gevolgen.
Leen said…
Ik zou héél graag weten wat onze eenden tegen elkaar vertellen. Ze hebben verschillende soorten kwaakjes, dat hebben we wel al door, maar helemaal zeker zullen we nooit zijn wat ze proberen uit te drukken :p

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