The worst combination is not to have same level of energy
Just a reflection I've made already multiple times in the past...I believe the worst challenge in a relationship (your partner but also friendships etc) is not living at the same level of energy.
Nothing more annoying that your partner launches a bit renovation project, clean-up of the room or paint job or whatever just when your energy is low and you had hoped to spend a lazy day in the sofa. Regardless whether you are asked to give a hand or not, at such a moment I find the buzzing activity around me rather stressful. Why can't (s)he just sit down and watch some tv or read a book or so without noise and movement and ...
But the inverse is just as annoying: when you are bursting with energy, totally annoyed by some mess that's been dragging along too long in the house , when you assume you'll return from the market and both start doing a food-prepping afternoon or or...and the other just goes and sit down, takes an unexpected nap etc and clearly isn't going to join you in all your plans.
Of course, such discrepancies are totally normal and not really an issue. In good relationships and friendships, you accept and take each other needs into account. It's ok to plan things together, it's ok to sometimes do something alone or to adjust plans for the other. I've been in either situation, so I understand when someone else doesn't want to plan 2 activities on the same day or wants a nap ...or really wants to get going and get something done.
But nevertheless it can be frustrating and or sad if you don't feel aligned.