Groeninge museum

I love my children...they have my blood. So we are city tripping (in Bruges) and when we ask what they'd like to do, they ask for museum visits...more specifically art if possible but with a child quest available.  Well, most museums offer a child activity nowadays's, so we trust the latter isn't going to be a huge issue.  

We brought them to the prestigeous Groeninge museum which I have walked by hundreds times in my life but never visited.  The museum boasts many 15th and 16th century master pieces from the Flemish primitives and masters but also more recent Belgian art. 

haha love the humour

Right at the start, you get to see two famous masterpieces of the Flemish primitives...Wow they really save the best to start here and I found it moving to see these famous works in real. 

Portrait of Filips de Goede after Rogier Van Der Weyde

Jan guided the children through the exposition with their little assignment book but it wasn't well organised. They had to search and answer questions on details on paintings but you didn't know which painting and the order of the exposition was confusing and there were questions on masterpieces that were borrowed to expositions abroad, but that was nowhere clarified.   

Great to see the details on the painting and the medieval skyline of Bruges through the window

After visiting the lace museum first, these images of the Habsburg rulers were even more intriguing

Art by Emiel Claus, painted in my hometown.... Precious... Lot's of memories of biking through Deurle & Latem as teenager and stopping by the many artists former ateliers and home museums. 

Roger Raveel, also art from my home area



Anne said…
Een museum met gevoel voor humor :-)
Leuk dat je zo je kinderen mee op sleeptouw kan nemen hè.

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