Two little boy scouts on camp

This year is a milestone...for the first time both boys would leave on a Scouting camp.   For Kabouter it wasthe 4th time but for Beertje it was the first time. 
However, for Beertje it did not feel like the first time (to me...but I think to him either): he's been on 2 weekends already which Kabouter hadn't the first time due to the pandemic and Beertje has seen the rhythm and heard the stories from his brother before.  So recently, he was talking to his grandmother on what the camp would be like, when Kabouter corrected him that he hadn't actually been on the camp yet :p. 

Anyway, at the start of the week it was time for the oldest to leave. 

The youngest bombing Kabouter's goodbye picture

Two days later, it was time for our junior scout to get ready to leave.  He wasn't too stressed, knowing he'd leave with his best friends, and he'd meet his bigger brother at the camp again. 

And then all of a sudden Jan and I were faced with an empty next for 5 full days, for the first time in 10 years! Oh my God, how strange. 

Once in that period, we got to see some pictures on Facebook where we actually could spot some of our children. 

And then after a week we were reunited back together and that deserved some ice-cream. 

And Kabouter now continues to sleep in his sleeping bag because it's so comfortable :p.   Fine by me. 


Josie said…
Lang leve de vrije dagen als de kids op kamp zijn. Helaas gaat de dochter zelden mee hier omdat het overlapt met het kamp van de dansschool… maar zalig toch ook de ervaringen die ze daar opdoen, ze komen precies een jaar ouder thuis 🤣
Goofball said…
@Josie: 'k hoop dat ze toch niet telkens als een jaar ouder terugkomen, dat zou me te snel zijn ;)
Kris10 said…
Ik vond dat altijd zo leuk! Die hadden zeker de tijd van hun leven!
Goofball said…
@Kris10: noch Jan noch ik hebben een scoutsverleden, dus ik vind dat soms wat te spannend voor hen. Ikzelf heb wel een actief uitgebreid Kazou verleden (als kind en als moni) en dat vond ik altijd zalig.

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