The birth of a calf in the field

In the east of Belgium, we live next to a grass field with cows. It usually houses young calves, but sometimes accompanied by a huge mommy cow.  We've just barely missed a birth on the field a couple of times before when we notice a big placenta next to a young calf in the field, or a calve getting wheeled away in a wheelbarrow by the farmer.  In this area, young calves aren't allowed to stay with their mom :(. 

Anyway, when we arrived early August I had my eye on a hug cow and I predicted she'd have to give birth.  I was determined not to miss it, so I kept an eye on her.  For hours, she stood still a bit apart from the rest of the herd, she seemed to wobble in discomfort and once I thought I saw a clear contraction. But then a little later she just lay down, rechewing her meal like normal. This went on for a couple of days and the boys mocked me staring out all the time.  
Of course I could not stay home to keep an eye on her all the time and I did start to doubt my own predictions. 

And then we came home and I exclaimed that something was happening. 

While I knew the birth process had started, I assumed it would take a while but just shortly after I saw the blueish birth sac with a clear half calve dangling out.  What a weird sight. The other cows were nearby, a bit curious themselves. 

With a big mew, she took a big swing, layed down and I assumed had the final contraction to push out the calve on the field. 

And then she got up again, turned around and started licking the big blubber bag that turned more and more into a black & white calve.  The licking continued and changed into gentle pushing to stimulate the calve to get up which took quite some unsuccessful attempts first. The other cows had given up interest and had dispersed over the field, minding their own business. 

And then finally he was up and could drink with his mom.  It was so awesome to finally have been able to witness the hole birth from start to end. 


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