A New-year's trip at the Somme countryside

After the summer our friends that we always celebrate New Year's Eve with suggested to book a gite for a couple of days. We had done that at the transition of 2019-2020 in the Ardennes and that was fun.  Now we had found a place in the North of France near the Somme bay.  

After a 3,5h drive, we arrived in the tiny village and found the very long entry lane to the gite. I had spent some time on google earth looking for our vacation house and had ignored this tiny long route at first and assumed that the gite was a non-existing scam.  Fortunately, Jan had noticed the long dirt road, literally to the next village and the neighbouring castle (where it probably belonged too) and so I found our destination smoothly at the end of all the potholes. 


The owners lived in the next door castle with fun dogs that invited us to play with a watering can.

We did one walk in the neighbourhood but the grey clouds and the massive fields weren't too attractive to be honest.  But it was nice to catch some fresh air together. 

Every water tower at the Somme Baie has beautifully decorations. 

Besides two excursions we enjoyed lounging in our place, play board games while Jan and our friend volunteered for excellent cooking. 


saturnein said…
Potholes and... mud? A lot of mud? Haha, het is toch wel vreselijk qua modder. Ik neem aan dat het landschap daar mooier is om te wandelen als het mooi weer is. Bij een grijze lucht zie je alleen grijs, bruin en wat groen.
yab said…
De gite ziet er supergezellig uit. De omgeving iets minder.
Goofball said…
het was wel droog dus die oprijlaan vol diepe putten was niet te modderig, maar voelde wel als een speciaal hobbelparcours.

Het landschap was mooi aan de baai en aan zee, maar die posts volgen nog.
Goofball said…
Het landschap was mooi aan de baai en aan zee, maar die posts volgen nog. De gite stond in binnenland in grote landbouwvlakte met paar onooglijke dorpjes. In grijs weer was dat nogal saai ja.

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