Reflections at the tourist market
When we were in Gran Canaria, we also visited the weekly local market as we always tend to do. Tourists are shipped in buses to the 2km boulevard from our hotel to the beach and then the streets circling around the harbour.
While I go, I couldn't help reflect the stupidity of all this. It's clarly a tourist market: only one stand left with some vegetables and fruits, so not exactly something that would be usefull to the local inhabitants. It's all about souvenirs such as little crafts, aloa vera cremes, vulcano stones, ... But most of it is clothes, T-shirts, hats, watches, purses and most of from "big expensive luxury brands".
Kilometres of fake illegal trade right in your face and I don't get it. Why is this such a lucrative trade? Why are clearly so many people interested in fake clothing because it mentions a brand name. (And how is it possible that customs and police don't act?)
I'm not a shopper,... my most loved and most worn clothes are comfy sporty clothes from a big French sports chain. I still have the clothes of 20 years in my closet. Yes I add every year something, which means my closets do explode. But I couldn't care less about a brand. I find it hard to spend a lot of money on clothes and outfits. And I seriously get irritated by people on social media posting outfits a lot, a lot of selfies, ... I wonder if they miss self-confidence, seeking it in clothes and the affirmation they bring them.
I do get it that sometimes clothes can lift your mood. When I shop, it's usually because we need to go to some party or celebration and then I do like to dress up...because I rarely do, it gets me in the mood to celebrate something special and to spend a day or evening out of the ordinary. At that moment I do wear more expensive clothes as it's worth quality and quality still costs money and I might put on some make-up. And of course it's nice to feel beautiful. But a brand name does not make you beautiful, the colour/fit/material/...of what you wear, does.
But seriously, it's so nice to just feel comfortable and not worry about "what should I wear today or what to combine". A jeans and pulling out a hoodie, can make me feel so nice too. (typing this in my comfy home tracksuit).
So seeing all the fake illegal clothes on the tourist market made me irritated and roll my eyes. Maybe next year I should stay with my book at the pool in the hotel.