Snow in central Belgium

Usually when I post snow pictures, they are taken in the east of Belgium at altitudes of approximately 600m.  It has become rather rare that it snows in the inland of Belgium.   Last year in January we had a big dump of snow in Leuven, but that had been 10 years since it had happened.

And yet this year again, to my joy, on January 9 there was a prediction of snow again and it came.  It was very wet snow, and it didn't freeze too hard, so fortunately it seemed feasible to keep the roads clear.  Because I was expected to go to the office (I would have refused if the roads were not fine, don't worry). 

But we started to have snow on Wednesday evening. I had walked Beertje to the judo class and was sitting there and then Jan and Kabouter come to the next level class an hour later. While Beertje and I had just walked, Kabouter arrived in his ski-pants :D. hahaha, yep indeed, when we got out, the world had changed and all was white in just one hour.  

The next morning we got another dump of wet snow.  It was beautiful and fun for the children that could really build snowman and play at school.  The TV news came filming so it was fun to see children we knew on the news and the snowman "Freddy" which was hilarious because we also know Meester Freddy. 

My drive to work was gorgeous, although I was stuck in a traffic jam because of a fallen tree.  


The Freddy snowman



saturnein said…
Zot hè. Zoveel sneeuw hebben wij toen niet gezien. Lievegem zat zo'n beetje onder een gat in de sneeuwwolken denk ik.
Goofball said…
ja mijn vriendin in Maldegem heeft geen sneeuw gezien.

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