AI poetry for an empty nested mother
I gave AI some instructions and told that Kabouter left on ski vacation with Kazou, an organization where I"ve been a youth leader for many years. I was jealous and nostalgic but also relieved not to be on skis myself this year. And I feel a little bit empty nested.
So here's a limerick, haiku's and a sonnet. Which one do you like most?
A mother, nostalgic and bright,
Sent her son off to ski with delight.
She'd led camps in her youth,
Now relieved, that's the truth,
But she missed him alone every night.
Son leaves for ski camp,
Memories of summer days,
Mother smiles, heart warm.
She led camps with joy,
Now relieved, no skis for her,
Fearful slopes behind.
Nostalgia's sweet touch,
Lonely nights, she misses him,
Week without a word.
Wondering each day,
Is he happy, having fun?
Mother's heart awaits.
With joy she sends her son to snowy peaks,
Recalling summers past with fond delight.
She led those camps, now memories she seeks,
As he embarks on his own winter flight.
Relief she feels, no skis for her this time,
Her fear of slopes now safely left behind.
Yet loneliness creeps in with evening's chime,
Her heart now wonders, thoughts of him entwined.
A week without his voice, her heart does yearn,
She ponders if he's happy, having fun.
Nostalgia's bittersweet, her thoughts return,
To days when she herself was young, the sun.
Though missing him, she knows this time is grand,
For he will grow, and she will understand.