Leuven (including us) enjoys its first springvibe of 2025
Well I was in a bit of a blog dip since not much energy and not much exciting happening.
This weekend there's still not much spectacular happening, but the weather sure is spectacular. After a full great week we could still enjoy warm temperatures for early March.
And I profited to get outdoor to the max and I wasn't the only one. While bringing the children to multiple activities in town, I waited outside on a terrace, I walked or we simply all went into town to have a drink together. Totally awesome. Who needs more than a bit of sunshine and a bit of time on hands?
And I profited to get outdoor to the max and I wasn't the only one. While bringing the children to multiple activities in town, I waited outside on a terrace, I walked or we simply all went into town to have a drink together. Totally awesome. Who needs more than a bit of sunshine and a bit of time on hands?
A record line in front of Galetje, the best ice-cream shop...but also long lines for all other ice-cream shops
It was a quest to search for an empty table but we succeeded.
The first aperol of the year
The Madammen Van Ipanema ...voor het laatst door Leuven??
deze ijsjesrij wilden we wel trotseren
een nieuwe dag, een nieuwe aperol terwijl we wachten op Kabouter
Scouts maakt het stadscentrum onveilig