How to make a boring conf call more exciting
If you are in a boring conference call meeting, you could spice up things by pouring your cup of coffee over your keyboard, desk, papers, your clothes and floor.
- Nobody has seen it
- It keeps you distracted for sure while you try to dry your keyboard and dive under your desk in order to mob the floor
- It's hot and it stains your clothes that remain wet for quite a while!
- People will probably hear your multiple curses & you might be toooo distracted to keep up with the meeting , so you'll have to explain anyway.
But really! Oh! NO!!
(Another way to spice up conference calls from home is to have the dog suddenly start barking at some invisible and thus highly dangerous potential intruder. Happens to me every time.)
Have a great weekend.
I hope you, your keyboard and your clothes all recovered.
@anno: well I am safe for that fortunately, no dog around for me
@Mike: thanks for coming by again. Yes I am having a good weekend so far
@FA: oh no, that is awefull! Was the baby alright? That must have been a horribly scary moment for you. Mine was just embarrasing. I was not teleworking from home: I was in the office with some colleagues. So I was stuck there for the rest of the day with very stained clothes.
@jen: keyboard has recovered, clothes are with the dirty laundry...I hope the stains will go out ok.