Made in Belgium: Pump up the Jam by Technotronic

There was recently a radio chart with the best Belgian music of the last decade and on tv there are weekly documentaries on some groups that have formed Belgian's music history. Ooooh there's some pearls coming by. So I figured I wanted to share some of the best Belgian music with you all. From now on Wednesdays I share with you some Belgium music.

One of our succesfull export products is dance music and Technotronic is probably the most well-known. In the end of 89 their first hit single "Pump up the jam" reached number 2 of the American charts. It came right after the New Beat hype in Belgium and is still a hit on the dance floors nowadays.



Leslie said…
I didn't realize this was from Belgium. This song was so popular. They still play it at sporting events a lot.
Betsy said…
Wat grappig! Vorige weekend kwam Technotronic opeens op met shuffle. Heb jarenlang niet meer eraan gedacht! Wij hebben het heeeeeel erg hard gedraaid-- geweldig! :-)

Wist niet eens dat ze Belgisch waren! Leuk!

Kijk er nu al naar uit naar je post volgende week woensdag! :-)
Brian Miller said…
you know, i had no idea this was belgian. got a good beat though. smiles.

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