Made in Belgium: Soulsister

As a young teenager I really liked the music made by Soulsister.   The big hit "The way to your heart" even made it into the  Billboard hot 100. I remember asking an Australian exchange student very proudly if she knew the number after which she claimed they had an awful English accent. pffff, what did I know, I hardly spoke any English yet, let alone I would be able to distinguish the accent. I wasn't impressed by her criticism. Come on, they rocked and they were cute.

There was a brief reunion in 2008 but both Paul and Jan are back into their own projects so it seems. Paul Michiels seems to be more into jazz lately where I was very happy to read this week that Jan Leyers would work on a new travel/interview program & book. Looking forward to read/see the follow up to the "Road to Mecca" and the "shadow of the cross".

The way to your heart - 1989

Locks & Keys unplugged

Broken - 1993

Through before we even started


Brian Miller said…
nice...these were enjoyable...i particularly like the 3rd one...
Elvira said…
Ik kende ze vroeger al, maar sinds ik met Lief samen ben, tja, is het gaan horen tot het vaste repertoire dat in de auto vaak speelt. Twee jaar geleden naar een concert van Paul geweest en nu in januari weer. Voor mij hoeft het niet zo, ik hoor ze liever samen, en bovendien vind ik de stem van Jan een stuk mooier qua timbre. Maar alles voor de liefde... :)
Autumn Leaf said…
@Meyser: geef mij ook maar Jan in plaats van Paul, mooiere stem, betere looks en meer brains.
Goofball said…
@Meyser & Autumn Leaf: helemaal met jullie eens :)
Betsy said…
Ohhhhh, I love "I keep on searching"! I haven't thought about that song in a loooooooong time! I don't think his accent is so bad! You can hear he's obviously not American but other than that it's fine!
Betsy said…
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Betsy said…
"it's fine" meaning that I can understand him and don't really notice the accent. (not that everyone speaking English should sound American. *sheesh* sorry. need. more. coffee...)

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