Today I

  • woke up in a strange bed by the sound of a baby
  • had breakfast next to a little chatting girl with a piglet piture on her plate
  • felt that the early mornings are reaaaally becoming cold now
  • got warnings from the library to return a book, they'll have to wait until finish it.
  • stood in a traffic jam around Brussels when not feeling great
  • am greatful for probiotics
  • have heavy legs
  • learned that you can already spell a great variety of words with a limited number of letters....and a child that learns to read is fun to watch
  • think tv programming on Saturday sucks
  • cleared my ironing backlog but postponed my other work for tomorrow 


Brian Miller said…
smiles on the child learning to read...whew, days of being woke up by babies are behind me...
Jenn said…
Sounds like a pretty good day, expect for the crappy TV. I agree, no good TV on Saturday.


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