Our summer sucks

Or how other An captures it more beautifully  or Tijdtussendoor shows....The rain is already invading my feedreader, by lack of anything else to do or show lately.


tijdtussendoor said…
Het verlangen naar zon en warm is vandaag alleen maar groter geworden vandaag. Naar het schijnt wordt het beter ;)
Brian Miller said…
i hear it has been a little wet...an ark maybe?
Virtualsprite said…
I'm jealous. We've had no rain in July, but it's raining today. Maybe reading your blog is good luck?

And you and Jan are welcome for dinner anytime!
Goofball said…
@Virtualsprite: we had more than normal rainfall of an entire summer...in only half of the summertime! We've had 6 weeks of daily rain I think, cold temperatures and grey skies. Trust me, it becomes truly depressing...seems to weigh on everybodies mood.

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