New Year's list

  • Everyone seems to post reflections on 2012 and resolutions lists for 2013.  As usual I don't. (although exceptionally I do have a resolution made). But in order to fit in a little bit with this social habit, I'll make a list of some random thoughts.
  • Last days I seem to suffer from continuously cold feet.  So watch out if you sit near me, I might attempt to warm my feet on top of yours. Don't say I didn't warn you.
  • My neck muscle is quite sore sit to my right hand side if you want some attention or to the left if you want some quiet time ;)
  • After 2 weeks vacation I'm actually looking forward to getting back at work next week. Although I'm quite used now to sleeping in...hmm damn. 
  • For weeks I want to clean up the leaves in the garden but I'm waiting until they dry a bit.....not easy if it's been raining for weeks. yep, for weeks now.  Since last year already and still . 
  • I was really impressed by the quality of the Heverlee fireworks. ...not that they were mind boggling, but I really didn't expect much of it.
  • I caught up a lot of my backlog in blogs reading...did you notice? 
  • Does anyone know when the latest season of The Big Bang Theory will air in Belgium? Now I finally have a Bazinga T-shirt and I want to watch the show wearing it :p
  • We need some snow in Belgium...either that or I want to go to a sunny diving destination soon.
  • If I post this at 0:00 h, is it today or yesterday (or today or tomorrow)?


Brian Miller said…
ha. i have to go back monday after 2 weeks...not going to be easy getting up and getting out....
Autumn Leaf said…
Hier begint het ook te kriebelen om morgen terug te gaan werken na 2 weken, maar dat uitslapen ga ik o zo hard missen! En dat we hier dringend nood hebben aan ofwel sneeuw of zon of liefst een combinatie van beide kan ik ook alleen maar grondig beamen! Happy New Year!
Jenn said…
Yep I noticed =) Thanks for the comments! I agree that going back to work will be hard in the mornings.


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