Count your blessings - Feb 2016

  1. Walking along the street with a warm little hand in your own, following you trustingly to the destination you choose
  2. Neighbours that you can text "to the market? " and where half an hour later you are all walking together to the Sunday market
  3. A hot latte macchiato in the sofa
  4. Fresh flowers in house
  5. A little boy that runs across the living room in your direction "hug...hug...hug"
  6. A fun twitter hashtag game that makes you smile (eg #bandszondervlees)
  7. Discovering the first daffodils outside 
  8. This big moving active belly
  9. Checklists that are getting crossed off slowly but steadily
  10. A good ultrasound

Some bloggers like Gerhildemaakt  or Upje blog regularly about simple things in their lives that make them happy.  Those are fun simple posts that are recognisable and make me smile. And as the world often seems full of negativity and disaster, I also want to list some things that make me happy in my daily life. This is the 2nd edition. the first time you can read here 


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