I'm a lucky bastard
I don't consider my life as something extra-ordinary
I do have my share of difficult worries and challenges
but I have somehow got a few blogs in my feedreader in the last year from moms with a child that needs special care such as eg the lovely Jackson with Usher syndrom or Sophia with PID. Lovely fun children, warm caring parents, but with extra worries and life choices to be made for the children such as moving, changing or reducing jobs, new adapted schools, ... Touching stories that sometimes cut deep.
And a colleague got a relapse of cancer
And other people need to make tougher financial choices than we do
And several friends have important relational issues and others are alone and wish for some more support.
And then it's good to realise now and then that I am a lucky bastard with healthy happy children, a good stable job in a good atmosphere, a comfortable financial situation, a good relationship,... I don't have a merit for any of that. It's not my "achievement" and let's hope it never changes, but it could.
And while I try to treasure my life and keep it as it is, I hope to offer empathy and support for as much that I can do in different situations.
I do have my share of difficult worries and challenges
but I have somehow got a few blogs in my feedreader in the last year from moms with a child that needs special care such as eg the lovely Jackson with Usher syndrom or Sophia with PID. Lovely fun children, warm caring parents, but with extra worries and life choices to be made for the children such as moving, changing or reducing jobs, new adapted schools, ... Touching stories that sometimes cut deep.
And a colleague got a relapse of cancer
And other people need to make tougher financial choices than we do
And several friends have important relational issues and others are alone and wish for some more support.
And then it's good to realise now and then that I am a lucky bastard with healthy happy children, a good stable job in a good atmosphere, a comfortable financial situation, a good relationship,... I don't have a merit for any of that. It's not my "achievement" and let's hope it never changes, but it could.
And while I try to treasure my life and keep it as it is, I hope to offer empathy and support for as much that I can do in different situations.
It does make us stronger, I think. And gives us more depth. But hell, I'd like to live with a little less drama.
But I'm happy that you are a lucky bastard, and I'm even more happy that you realise it, that's the most important part of your story, I think.
It doesn't mean you don't have the right to moan and complain. Everybody has the right to do that, and to feel bad or down regularly.
But still, I'm glad you realise how happy you are.
Lucky bastard :-)
But hey, I'm a lucky bastard too, because I have a lovely and great and caring and warm family :-)
Ja ik besef dat ik veel geluk heb dat vele anderen niet hebben. Dus ik probeer er van te genieten maar ook stil te staan bij wat anderen soms meemaken. Want uiteindelijk is mijn geluk geen verdienste, noch het ongeluk /zorgen van anderen. Wie weet zijn de rollen ooit omgekeerd.
'k hoop voor jou dat het niveau van drama in jouw leven zal verminderen.
En ik hoop heel hard voor jou dat je een lucky bastard mag blijven. Ik wens het je van harte toe :-)