One of those days

I warmed up some soup at work in a mug
...and then I placed that mug out of routine under the coffee machine

Then I wanted to start eating my fresh herring that I had brought from home as lunch
...only to discover that I had brought the fresh fish filets to bake tonight instead of the herring

I've started a dozen things today (e-mails, looking up something, ...) only to hop from one thing to another and then wonder 5 minutes later what I was doing.

I picked up the (soft)phone but had my headphone sound turned off so I could not hear anything...

Some days are harder than others and there's no real reason why.  I had a hard time to concentrate and felt tired although I should have slept sufficient hours. Yesterday I didn't fall asleep right away, but I still should have slept enough.  I guess there's a female hormonal reason for my empty headedness or I'm getting a cold.   It was sort of funny as long as the fog clears up in my head the next days as I have some work to catch up.  By the end of the day fortunately it started to be better.

Tonight Kabouter went to his very first swimming lesson and he was shining in the water...but I had to fight and battle a crying Beertje who was very upset that he couldn't take a swimming class either.  Poor little boy.


ElsS said…
kinda like trying to open your front door at home by using the key card you need at work :p
Goofball said…
@ElsS: dat heb ik nog niet geprobeerd thuis :)

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