Snoozing in the big bed

One week ago when Jan was in the US, including 3 weekend mornings, I allowed the boys the crawl with me in the big bed.

It all started with Beertje being awake and upset rather early: much too early for my own morning mood. Since he was so upset for some unknown reason, I doubted that I'd be able to put him back in bed successfully.  So I proposed a win-win: we'd cuddle in my bed and snooze a bit together.

While I proposed the big empty spot on Jan's side, it took Beertje 2 seconds to nest on my pillow and leave me a tiny space next to him with the risk of rolling out of my bed. I wrapped my arm around him and he crawled sheek-to-sheek.

"ssst, let's sleep"

And so we lay in the dark, under the warm duvet, listening to and feeling each other's breathing.  A little warm body crawled up against mine. Now and then he turns his head, looks at me, sighs and lays down again as proof he isn't asleep.  But he isn't a little body in perpetual motion as his brother so we enjoy a period of quiet snoozing together in the dark, squeezed on one pillow in our little shared nest.

"Mamaaaaa, can I already get out of my beeeeed", it sounds from the baby phone next to my bed
"Yes, you can come to my bed", I answer in it.

(trip trip trip, the bare feet enter the room). Another body crawls under the duvet.
Within seconds there's giggling and pushing.

"Ssssst, let's sleep", I whisper against all odds
"Ok then"  and they all lay down for a full 10 seconds. 

Then teddybears start to move around, whispering picks up, there's rolling and moving and I lose the duvet on top of me several times.  I lay still with my eyes squeezed in a small line...listening to the activity, observing with a smile, snoozing until the activity has grown too wild again and I need to tame it down for another 5 minutes until I give up and we get up.


Anne said…
Toen mijn dochter in het ziekenhuis lag, sliep ons kleindochtertje regelmatig eens bij ons. In het kinderbedje kreeg ik haar niet, dus ze sliep lekker tussen ons. Daar had ze ook nood aan en deugd van, zo'n tweejarig bubbeltje dat merkt dat er vanalles goed fout zit, maar niet weet wat, en dat ook niet kan uiten. Af en toe voelde ik zo'n klein armpje over mij tasten. Opa zei het ook, dat hij 's nachts zo een armpje over zich voelde gaan, zo van "opa, ben je daar nog?". Ik voelde dat kleine lijfje tegen me aan kruipen, warmte zoeken, nabijheid zoeken.
Wat heb ik daarvan genoten :-) (ook voor mij eigenlijk wel troost in moeilijke dagen)
Goofball said…
ja da's genieten eh. Onze kindjes hebben als ze klein waren ook heel lang bij ons op de kamer geslapen. Nu probeer ik het echte slapen wel te vermijden omdat onze nachtrust er op den duur toch wel onder leed. We slapen beter elk apart, maar zo een beetje bij elkaar kruipen 's avonds of 's ochtendsvroeg is wel zalig.

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