The best time to go to Paris on a family city trip

It's been a bit silent over here since I was busy travelling for work to workshops in 2 different countries and an external training. Unlike other times where I try to hide my absence on this blog by planning posts ahead, I didn't feel bothered last week. It was busy enough making suitcases and puzzling child care as it was.

But we profited from my workshop near Paris to combine it with a family weekend.  Perfect timing:
- I was suffering a big cold that kept me early in my hotel bed grasping for breath the first night instead of joining the colleagues for dinner 
- it was drizzling rain on Saturday and the grey low clouds were hiding the top of the Eifel tower part of the day
- There was an icy wind that made us descend back down from Montmartre quite quickly
- There was a little bit of a protest mars going on in the city center from the gilet jaunes that escalated to some of the worst riots that the French capital has seen in decades and left a trail of destruction  but on the day itself it gave us a puzzle of transport as an increasing amount of metro stations got closed down and some quarters got proactively closed off by the police ordering us to walk detours. 

l'Assemblee Général and Champs Elysees were no go zones on Dec 1

Road closures got a bit more impressive and effective in the evening of dec 1st

Many tear gas capsules in the Tuileries gutter on Dec 2nd

But don't worry...even if circumstances might not seem ideal to hang out in Paris with little children, the city has so much to offer and is so big that it's always nice. I'll show a bit more in the next posts.


Anne said…
Ik moest aan je Parijs-verslag denken toen ik gisteren hoorde dat dit weekend naar Parijs reizen afgeraden werd. Beetje over the top, vond ik. Zoals jij het hier beschrijft, is het toch best wel te doen. Zelfs met jonge kindjes :-)
Goofball said…
@Anne: is zeker goed te doen wat betreft veiligheid en zaken die overblijven om te doen. Nu was het wel zo dat Jan en ik al vroeger paar keer Parijs goed bezocht hadden en dus niet het gevoel hadden dat we iets 'moesten' zien. Als dit echter jouw eerste keer Parijs is, is het wel lastig dat een groot deel van toeristisch centrum niet bezoekbaar is en veel winkels proactief sluiten. En met kleine kindjes die ook niet eindeloos blijven wandelen, was het transport wel wat vloeken. Taxis nemen is budgettair natuurlijk een andere categorie dan een metro dagticket.

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