I'm on a diet again

Well I have been on a diet since the end of January already. I'm fading out now.

As of now it'll be a challenge to keep my weight stable and keep a healthy eating habit.  Because that's what it is all about: keeping my weight stable with a healthy food habit.  As I explained previous winter when I was dieting for the first time, I am pre-diabetic so I have to ensure I keep a good BMI and watch my sugar intake and keep moving.  I've noticed that each time I let go, my weight starts to go up steady. That's not a big issue at the start, but will become an issue if I don't react.

Previous winter versus this winter

Previous winter I lost some kilos but never reached my ambition. On the other hand, my eating habits haven't reversed entirely and my weight gain in the summer/fall was milder than the years before. That's good.

This winter, Jan took the initiative to diet. Since I have experienced the previous winter how hard and demotivating it is when you have to do it alone, I joined him.  Just as the year before I'm registering everything in the WW app. I have our scale linked to my profile so all my weightings go into the app automatically as well as all my steps and exercises registered with my Fitbit. If only there was a sensor that registers my food intake, it would all be automatic.  But making the right food choices isn't automatic of course.

So how does it go?

This time, it went much smoother than the previous year. I didn't pity myself so much. It didn't feel as much as a punishment.  I had more inspiration, more routine.  And since Jan was dieting too and since he does most of the grocery shopping and cooking, I didn't have much food dilemma's to solve.  The fridge was filled with more weight watcher friendly products.  And...this time we have an Airfryer so we just eat home-made fries without oil all the time and just count them as potatoes. Winner!

The result

Slowly I've lost some weight again: it fluctuates but reaches 3kg since January and therefore I'm almost at my final target. As a result I've already allowed myself more extra's and now I don't really progress anymore (on the contrary, I've gone up a tiny bit already).  That's not too bad: in the end I must have something that is feasible in the long run anyway.  So yes, I want to drink a glass of wine now and then but not as much as the past anymore. Yes I don't always eat carbs for lunch anymore: a big salad with fish is sort of my frequent menu now.  I try to eat more vegetables but that remains a struggle.  And we order in less food delivery...and that's a pity ;).  Oh well, it's cheaper and healthier.

I do notice that I stop logging all the food and that's usually the point where I go up again. After 3 months it's become a nuissance to log everything, exactly as it was previous year. I need to hang on just a bit more though. It's better for me.


yab said…
Succes gewenst alvast! Ik heb niet het karakter om te diëten. ;-)
Anne said…
Ik vind het een zware opdracht om op gewicht te blijven. Ik ben weer 5kg bijgekomen, en ik vind dat niet leuk. Vroeger moest ik nergens op letten, nu kan ik me echt niks meer permitteren. Snirf.

Veel succes met het onder bedwang houden van de kilo's!
Goofball said…
@yab: het risico om diabetes te krijgen, geeft me meer karakter. Gelukkig moet ik vooral gewichtstoename vermijden maar mijn huidig gewicht is wel prima. 'k neem gewoon ietske marge.

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