I'm tired and irritated

I'm tired and irritated because of nobody but really nobody seems to care any more about the pandemic prevention measures anymore while statistics clearly go quite wrong again.  

I'm tired of everyone stating to follow the rules "but with some common sense".  You either apply them or you don't.  It's because of 11 million "common senses" that it goes wrong again. You were probably pointing fingers to all those Covidiots back in April. 

I'm tired of seeing colleague's Instagram pictures selfies of large varying friend groups regularly.  If you wonder why I back off if we cross in the office in the coming weeks, that's why. 

I'm tired of people thinking that you can mingle socially again right after a negative COVID-19 test if you've been exposed as a high risk contact.  You might get the first 5-6 days a false negative so you should remain in quarantine. 

I'm tired of those ridiculizing or complaining about open windows. Get a sweater, ventilation is so important.

I'm tired of people that can't give me the number of close contacts they've had in the last weeks. You should know, you should be counting.  If you don't count, you'll have taken too much risk.

I'm tired people assuming you gather, without asking me if that's ok, without asking me how many people I've seen, not telling me how much people they've seen.   You should ask me and know before we gather, and I am entitled to know what others are up to before they are allowed to approach me. 

I'm tired of people complaining about rules because there's not many people dying...It's thanks to us sticking to those rules that we avoid deaths.  You want some more first? 

I'm angry because I posted something a while ago online reflecting the people we lost to Covid and there was the word "hype" in one of the comments. I sincerely hope you will not be in a small socially distanced small scale goodbye in one of the coming months for one of your loved ones.  All these numbers that you call a hype are people with family and friends. 

I'm tired of the comments that there will be more collateral damage from the measures than Covid.  Well it's thanks to sticking to rules that we try to avoid a medical collapse and keep our capacity in our medical care system so that we don't get other collateral medical damage.  It's by sticking to rules we try to avoid new complete lockdowns and keep businesses open, just to ensure other's wellbeing.

I'm tired of complaints that we are more strict than other countries. Read the newspapers, we are not. 

I'm tired to talk to friends about their fun weekend across the border, to find out they are surprised and ignorant they were in orange area. The borders are open but you are supposed to check where you go. 

I'm tired that you all complain having to wear your face mask on moments/places where it probably doesn't make sense. True, you are right. But you can't make a detailed regulation that would take into account all hours of day/ location so you must generalize and that includes some regulations that at some moments does not make sense. So be it. Suck it up. And if I see the number of masks worn on the chin, I wouldn't dare to count on common sense either. 

I'm tired of people thinking that 1,5 meter is about 1 step or one table side or  1 chair wide. It isn't. It's a small person stretching out on the floor between you and me. 

I'm tired of all the yes but comments.  If you want to answer me with a yes but, you are kindly invited to express it to your mirror but not to me. 


Els said…
I couldn't agree more
Anne said…
De Vlaming zal wel doen wat goed is, denkt de politieke kaste. Yeah right. De Vlaming doet vooral zijn goesting.
I feel your pain en ik volg je ook helemaar. Euh nee, helemaal.
ruth said…
Ik begrijp het helemaal. En snap al die heisa over dat mondmasker helemaal niet. Zo'n opoffering vind ik dat nu ook weer niet - om daar nu de term vrijheidsbelemmering op te plakken? We vinden het toch ook belangrijk dat rokers niet hun rook in ieders gezicht staan te blazen? Dit lijkt me hetzelfde, en omdat we moeilijk allemaal in een hoekje kunnen staan is zo'n masker een efficiënte oplossing. Kunnen we ten minste nog redelijk normaal communiceren. (Ik werk in een middelbare school en kan gelukkig vaststellen dat er slechts weinigen moeilijk over doen in de klas - de middagpauze is een ander paar mouwen, dat is echt verschrikkelijk lastig om af te dwingen, maar we doen ons best, om festivalallures te vermijden)
Samaja said…
Oh ja, overschot van gelijk! Ik ben het ook beu dat ik scheef bekeken word omdat ik me wel aan de regels houd (zonder daarbij te pretenderen dat ik een heilige ben).
Vief said…
Hear, hear!
Ondanks wel voorzichtig zijn en enkel mijn kinderen en partner zien, heb ik vandaag toch een test moeten laten doen wegens griepverschijnselen.
Halve maatregelen zijn geen maatregelen, diegenen die dat niet snappen hebben zagemeel in hun bovenkamer.
I guess we’re all a bit tired and frustrated right now.
Affodil said…
Yes, but ...
Ik word er mismoedig van, van al die uitvluchten. Ik word doodmoe van al die pogingen om onder een maatregel uit te komen. Ik word knettergek van die imbeciele mentaliteit van mensen om - nog vóór ze een maatregel goed gelezen hebben - zich al af te vragen waar het achterpoortje zit. Alsof het een sport is. Alsof je voor de gein met de gezondheid van anderen kan spelen.

In het begin - lees: de eerste golf - werd "slechts" af en toe te hard tegen mijn intolerantiegrens gestoten, zodat ik me nog redelijk kon inhouden in het (inwendig) verwensen van die idioten. Sinds de tweede golf betrap ik mezelf erop dat ik die egoïsten steeds vaker een flinke portie covid-19 toewens. "Een griepje". En geen IC-bed in de buurt...

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