34 random pictures of the last 7 weeks

  • My ice cream loving men (before and after a haircut)

  • I got up in Germany one morning with a strange rash or a series of bites.  "We've shared our bed with some jealous insect or so", I announced to Jan.  19 bites in a diagonal line across my neck, itchy for over a week, but it disappeared 

  • Dentist time for the children

  • Cycling race time in Leuven before the start of the Brabantse Pijl

  • Throwing out our Kinder Surprise egg...not before taking out the toy, of course. 

  • Rainbows

  • Jan and Beertje making bagels

  • Posing while not posing

  • Sunset reflections

  • Play doh time

  • 2 Rodin huggers

  • Pizza with nacho's!!

  • The final "show" at the boy's English camp...a 15' musical

  • A brother hug

  • On our vacation days we were out for dinner each day...one of the best things about vacation according to the children. I agree. I enjoyed some nice drinks and discovered a love for a (Moscow) Mule cocktail. 

  • Disaster struck in the neighbourhood at the end of March when a historic house at the abbey entrance caught fire.  It's across the boy's school, and a teacher and a couple of classmates are almost direct neighbours. The WhatsApp from the school parents filled with images of the house ablaze while we heard the fire trucks rushing by.  We could smell the smoke and see through the windows.  Fortunately, it was quickly clear that all inhabitants had safely escaped the house. 

    It really is shocking and makes you think again "what if" scenario's in your own house and family. 
    The next morning on our way to work, everyone stared solemn, sad and in silence to the ruined house while the police was still closing off the road for safety.  Pfff. 

  • I discovered that Beertje can swim (like a dog) in the hotel in Antwerp. 

  • The vacation effect :).  (and also the February Covid effect)

  • It's chervil soup time again at the CSA firm. 

  • He's zen

  • I participated in a guided tour through the nearby neighbourhood, which is a historic garden city

  • Another drama in the neighbourhood.  Around the corner a cat went missing and she's already gone for 6 weeks now. There are posters everywhere and we walk by its home each day. For weeks there was food outside and until this week his/her blanket was on the window shield. The people came to ring the door bell to ask to search the garden sheds and basements.  All in vain. We often think about Mini. 

    A few weeks ago we had food delivered and the delivery guy claimed to know for sure that Mini was the day before in a different part of town.   He and I contacted Mini's parents and they'd go and search and flyer there ...but it didn't help so it seems. Poor Mini and poor parents. 


Anne said…
Die eerste foto is écht grappig :-D

Heftige ervaring hè, een huis zien afbranden.
Goofball said…
@Anne: ja die brand hakte er wel in ja.
Anne said…
Het huis van onze overburen is ooit uitgebrand. Ik keek door het raam, en zag de rook van onder de dakgoot walmen. Dak weg, tweede verdieping uitgebrand, eerste verdieping brandde ook, benedenverdieping niet maar wel compleet vernield, kelder vol bluswater.
Ik heb daar máánden van gedroomd. Steeds diezelfde droom, dat er brand was in een hoek van onze slaapkamer. Vreselijk. Dat is zo'n beangstigende ervaring.

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