A plog of a great Saturday

A great Saturday is a day without plans.  10 days ago we were hanging out in the east of the country and I realised it had many elements of a great day.  So I gathered some of the pictures I took, to create a plog. 

First of all I snoozed in bed until about 8 AM while all the boys in the house were already up a little earlier.  As a result, I arrive in the living room with a set breakfast table and the coffee ready. To be honest: I can hear the coffee machine running so I hear when it's a good time to roll out of the bed. 

We all hang out a bit with some kid's tv on, reading the newspaper digitally or watching some youtube or scrolling a bit through social media until I decided to get ready and out of my pyjama's.   Jan got ready to do some grocery shopping and the children were happy to join him.  I profited from the empty house to run the vacuum cleaner around as ahum, it was a bit of a disgrace and for once I didn't manage to just sit down and relax and ignore the mess. 

So a bit of quick cleaning, not too thorough this time combined with some good music and then I could sit down with my laptop and catch up some blogging in silence in the company of our cat.  I had run out of preplanned posts as well, so I've been writing a bit more about our trip to Germany etc (the posts that appeared here last week). 

The boys had taken a lot of time to shop for food, pet food, tools, etc and had visited multiple stores. It was already lunch time by the time they got back with a lot of noise.  We ate some hotdogs  (our weekend traditions) and the boys went upstairs to play with playmobile while Jan and I chilled some more. 

Then they started kneading some fresh bread together and we spotted a squirrel in the garden. 

When the bread was ready to rise, I had had enough laptop time and time inside so I ordered everyone to get ready for a family walk outside to grasp some fresh air, some movement and some nature. 

Off we went for a 7kms through fields, some woods and then the walk back along Robertville lake.  Beertje was babbling away on all the knowledge he had gathered in school in his theme weeks about bees, while a bit later on both boys were fighting imaginary thieves in the woods again.   I enjoyed the landscape although the wind was a lot colder than anticipated.  It was very quiet out so I could listen to the first birds whistling in spring and guess them and correct my poor knowledge with my Birdnet app. 

Back home, the bread was prepared for the next step.  Then it was time to watch Sing 2 together which was finally released online and had been anticipated for a long time.   I attempted to make the boys some popcorn, but managed to burn the first batch  (damn, when do you know it's ready??...I think I've wrecked a pan). Fortunately, Jan came to save me and a 2nd batch succeeded well in a different pot. 

With popcorn, some appetizers and some drinks, we enjoyed the movie together. 

In the evening, we ate some BBQ, while Rodin sat outside in the garden on his leash, intrigued by the cows that had returned to the field.  He was clearly getting jealous and irritated because the neighbour cat had the freedom to roam in the field amidst the cows, and he didn't have that same freedom.

Later that evening, the neighbour cat came to sniff Rodin's path in our garden, when they both spotted each other through the window. 

We watched some more tv with the children and after their bedtime, I sat down with a book in front of the Mia's.  Then it was also bedtime for me after a nice relax day full of quality time and me-time. 


ElsS said…
Enjoying the little things of life :)
Goofball said…
@Els: exactly
Anne said…
Een heerlijk rustige dag :-)
Goofball said…
@Anne: ik wist ook welke drukke weekends ons later in de maand tegemoet kwamen, dus 'k heb het ook bewust extra rustig gehouden. Om vooraf wat buffer te hebben. En zalig dat dat was!

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