Meeting B., a Canadian relative in Brussels

2023 has a Canadian theme.  After Jennifer's visit end of March, I was now happy to meet my Canadian second cousing twice removed for the first time in real life.   

I had found Brandon on Facebook a few years ago when I searched a lot of my relatives from my family tree online again.  Turns out he had been trying to get in touch with my aunt for years, sending postal letters to her old address.  We exchanged family tree information, talked about our (great)grandparents that had known each other in Canada, etc  but the world was wrapped up in a pandemic that prohibited travel. If not, Brandon would have come a lot sooner, I am sure. 
Unfortunately he has not been able to meet Laura, my aunt anymore, whose letters with her cousin, his greatgrandmother he had inherited. 

But now he came, and he brought his parents on their first European trip.  They had squeezed optimistic a lot of plans in a week of travel and I had a busy week at work. But we profited of the first of May holiday to go and meet in their hotel when they took a break from citytripping in Brussels (which was painfully quiet and deserted in fact on May 1st). 

It was a very cosy meeting that felt familiar, where we got to know each other a bit.  The time was short unfortunately but I am confident that this was not our last meeting. 

Later that week my sister and my mom and my cousin also had a chance to meet them for a meal at different locations in Belgium. 

Nice meeting you Brandon! 


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