Dining in Zeebrugge, Blankenberge, Knokke or Den Haan

While we stayed for one week in Zeebrugge near the harbour, we profited from the excellent coastal tram service to hop back and forth to other neighbouring coastal cities for short visits or dinner.  You could spot us all over between Knokke & Den Haan. 


Dining with view at the yacht harbour 

Eating out pizza near the harbour

strolling through the harbour neighbourhood at night

Strolling through the same harbour neighbourhood during the "festival van de Noordzee", which turned out to be a very local festival where each pub had a stage with musicians and seemingly all the locals gathered for beers and snacks.  It wasn't quiet to join in however, as our Apple Watch sent out multiple decibel warnings...indeed, it all was LOUD.  (we returned to our hotel to have a drink at the pool instead after the children had some bounces on the multiple bouncing castles at each pub). 

Chilling at our hotel pool

Knokke (Heist- Duinbergen - Zwin)

Choices in Zeebrugge were relatively limited and as we learned fully booked on weekend days.  But no issue...a tramride further is Knokke with much more choice along the coast. Busy coast lines are not all bad. 

Two out of many schrimp croquettes I ate...a must do when you are the Belgian coast

Quite a lot of empty/closed restaurants I thought.   Nevertheless it was very crowded since we picked the night that there were television recordings for the Zomerhit 2024.   As you can guess, we didn't stay to watch the show. 

Den Haan

We returned once to Den Haan where we stayed for a long weekend in 2023. Seriously, this is the only nice town at the Belgian coast that wasn't screwed up by urbanistic failure projects.   I love the belle epoque villa's that still last and the lower apartments, as well as the many sculptures that lign up along the beach.  I was really touched by some of the art. 

Macarena to kill time while waiting for the tram to come

a trio of schrimp


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