Flea market

In May we had participated rather unprepared ad hoc at a flea market in our neighbourhood.  The boys seemed to enjoy it and I recognized the potential of getting rid of the great amounts of baby and toddler toys that are still in our house. We have still every single thing, and it's piling up and frustrating me.

So when in the street of the school a recurring flea market was organized with lots of children/parents from the school and neighbourhood participating, we have subscribed ourselves for a nice big stand.  And that meant we had to get prepared. Before I got out to drink wine in Leuven the day before, I worked hard with the boys to drag and inventorize things to sell, to discuss prizes and transportation. 

The Sunday alarm at 6.30 was very painfull, but we had a limited time slot to drive up by car and get installed. Even Kabouter's friend who had a sleepover at our place was on duty (he was aware before he came...since half of the school participated at this flea market there was no protest). 

And then the long day of sitting, waiting and selling started.  Selling toys at low prices went reasonable well. All the bags of boys clothes they were grown out was only interesting to offer at dumping prices. But really: I was just glad pieces went away and I'm sure that in a while all the remaining clothes will just go to the thrift store for free. 

I was so relieved to see someone walking with the Toet Toet garage that had been a curse to my eye in the house for years as due to its size it doesn't fit any box or closet.   It's gone. Hurray!!

Beertje had difficulty to stay on duty and he managed to disappear to friends and explore more than he was selling but Kabouter stayed on duty well.  All in all I guess we had a decent turn-over with over 100 euro of profit (not considering what we bought ourselves, what we ate and our inscription).  Yet if you count the hours we spent with 4, a flea market hourly wage is painfully low.  And let's not think of the original value of all things that went away.  

Oh well, it was quite a relax day. I should have thought to bring a book to read, but there was plenty of people to say hi to and catch up quickly. Time didn't go as slow as I anticipated.  There were food stands and there was free coffee all day for those participating (and thankfully we could use the bathrooms in the school after our overdose of coffee). It was well organized.
And I guess we can still easily fill 2 cars for next year to participate again. I'm afraid we dumped all non-sold things in the garage where it is out of our side and not cluttering the house anymore, which is now a risk it will indeed remain and sit there for another year without action. 

cute to spot 2 toddlers play further with the Paw Patrol truck they just bought at our spot. It is sweet to see things get a new live  (and hurray that stupid buss had been parked behind my desk for half a year: I don't miss it!)


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