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Kabouter's Words (III)
- Appel : Appel
- Boem : Bloem (flower)
- Bee : Beer (teddybear) (this sound is also used for busses, so it depends from the context)
- Kwaa : (Kwaak) Duck...or crow or megpie or other big birds in a grassfield
- Aaahbee : Aardbei (Strawberry)
- Mee : Along/with x : he wants to come along as soon as he thinks we are getting ready to go somewhere, or we put him a sweater or shoes on
- Iaf : giraffe
- Tjijn : Train
- Pjapja :(Vrachtwagen) Truck
- Kraa : (Kraan) Towing truck , wrecker truck
- Ie(t)sss :(fiets) Bike
- Kikki : (kikker) Frog
- IejaaaDiejaaa : a parrot (from a song "Papagaai, leef jij nog, iejaadiejaaaa, ...")
- Koekan : (kijken) watch
- Byebye : byebye
- Paardjie : (Paard) Horse
- Owa : (Olifant) Elephant