Googlies October

It's becoming a monthly tradition to check in the statistics which search terms have been used to land on my blog. Check out Brillig's blog to see more funny results.

As usual most key words were pretty obvious: if you are looking for my blog I suggest to type in "Goofball" or "goofballsworld"....those might be helpful.
But the following were a bit more remarkable:

* Several people in the Netherlands seem to be planning a trip to Deventer with some special interest when they googled the following variations
=> "deventer red light" / "red light district deventer" / "Red lamp district deventer"

* "goose parade vlanderen" : May I suggest you post yourself at the entrance of our parliament building? Lots of empty headed quacking and tail wobbling guaranteed.

* "I got the mexican flu" : Tough luck for you. If you would have had it a few months ago, it would have been special and you might have been announced in the news. Now you just have to sweat it out. Maybe check the WHO 11 steps to wash your hands guidelines for next time.

* "tallpeopleparty" => see september googlies...apparently Scheveningen is the place to be.

* "How to make rubber limbs?": First boil up a lot of elastics...When I say " a lot", I truly mean a lot of them. Boil them all until they become one smooth fluid substance. Then you take the limb that you want to transform, break the bone inside and pull it out. You can pour the fluid rubber in the created void. That should do it, I think.

* "is it mandatory go to school in Belgium?" : no it's mandatory to study (& to take exams? and to be registered to be a homeschooler??), not to attend school.

* "snacks for friendship": chips, lots of chips....definitely chips!


Luisa Perkins said…
You'll beat me this month for sure!
FXOX said…
You are FUnny !! :-)
felicity said…
Sorry E, that was me
Brian Miller said…
lol. big smiles.

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