It's a theme on Saturday!
On 2 previous Saturdays we had (barely) seen a calf getting born on the field next to our garden. Yesterday morning I looked at the 3 female cows wandering around and proclaimed out loud that no calf would be born that day.
"I'm glad you're such an expert by now" was the mocking reply I got.
Seriously, how many pregnant cows can live at the neighbour's that urgently need to do their thing on Saturday while we were renovating? And these didn't look big at all. So we progressed well with the painting job and the new floor in the living room. But of course I have to keep my newly gained expertise up to date so now and then I had to keep an eye out there to see what was happening.
I noticed the young bulls stampeding around like crazy for a bit as if they had just been released from weeks of captivity, one of the female big cows taken inside by the farmer and a while later that single one walking alone. But she was way more relax than the others had been. Look, a little later she was laying down at the edge of the field slowly chewing her breakfast again in the middle of the afternoon.
"Oh no, not again" noticing a white bump laying at her feet.
"Huh, again?? Seriously? You attract these kind of things or what???"
Ugh yes, so far my expertise in predicting no baby calf :p. But in the mean time we're so routined that I first finished washing the new floor while leaving mom & baby doing their thing before I went to look for the camera. Who cares if they don't get up right away and if the farmer doesn't seem to be in sight....they can manage just fine on their own.

"I'm glad you're such an expert by now" was the mocking reply I got.
Seriously, how many pregnant cows can live at the neighbour's that urgently need to do their thing on Saturday while we were renovating? And these didn't look big at all. So we progressed well with the painting job and the new floor in the living room. But of course I have to keep my newly gained expertise up to date so now and then I had to keep an eye out there to see what was happening.
I noticed the young bulls stampeding around like crazy for a bit as if they had just been released from weeks of captivity, one of the female big cows taken inside by the farmer and a while later that single one walking alone. But she was way more relax than the others had been. Look, a little later she was laying down at the edge of the field slowly chewing her breakfast again in the middle of the afternoon.
"Oh no, not again" noticing a white bump laying at her feet.
"Huh, again?? Seriously? You attract these kind of things or what???"
Ugh yes, so far my expertise in predicting no baby calf :p. But in the mean time we're so routined that I first finished washing the new floor while leaving mom & baby doing their thing before I went to look for the camera. Who cares if they don't get up right away and if the farmer doesn't seem to be in sight....they can manage just fine on their own.
@Brian: who's the "we" in your remark? Do you have anything to do with the many pregnant cows there? :p lol