Leuven in Scène: Le Grand Volant (Les Pépones)

Think of burlesque shows, think of slapstick,  think of the old black and white shows where people still seemed to walk in a funny way due accompagnied by cracking piano music full of noise, think of the black text signs that sometimes appeared in the middle of the show to frame a situation or context, ...
And transpose that on a dazzling high trapeze.

Well that was Le Grand Volant brought by Les Pépones (Fr).

Acrobats swirling back and forth, releasing, grabbing again on the other side in a very gracious way while "fighting" over a girl, accidently dropping someone etc...Too early they all "fell" down across the sunset, ready for their big bow to take our applause.  Well done.


Brian Miller said…
oh wow that would be amazing to watch ...seriously some of the stuff they do scares me...

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