Made in Belgium: the update series

For almost 4 (!!) years I've served you each Wednesday evening some Belgian music.  But fatigue, a big belly, a little baby demanding time...but also lack of inspiration have caused the unintentional stop of the series last August.  During the first weeks I had the intention to catch up the missing weeks, but who am I kidding?  There was a time that I had loads of these posts preprogrammed and a long list of new artists that I wanted to blog about but after the years went by, my inspiration for artists that I actually liked was getting smaller (there is still a long list of Belgium music I quite dislike and therefore don't want to blog about).

But I do miss this series on my blog.
And over the last years I often wanted to blog about a great song and then realised I had already posted on that group a year before or so. But in the mean time the group had brought new music that I wanted to share.

So I think I'll bring the series back to live again with new groups or with updates on the previous posts.


Brian Miller said…
hey that would be cool...i enjoyed it...and it exposed me to tons of new music...some i could understand...ha...

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