10 years challenge

At Samaja and at Bostonbaby I saw the blog equivalant of the #10yearschallenge hype on social media.  I didn't post any pictures online for that hype but I'm always a bit of a nostalgic person that loves to look back.  So I started browsing in my blog...handy if you've been blogging for almost 14 years already (!!).

So what was happening in the winter of 2009? 

1) It wasn't so obvious on my blog, as always when worries involve other people's lives, but my dad was still recovering from his major brain surgery in dec 2008.  He had returned home after spending a month in the hospital. 
We had been warned that recovery would take up many months. Yet we had not really known what it would really be like. We could not anticipate how much worries and fear it took to see the changes in my dad while wondering if my old dad would return.   The search for the right balance in the neuro stimulator's settings regulating his Parkinson's disease in his brain demanded a trial-and-error process to gain physical health versus battling mental changes.

It all turned out for the better: my dad's physical challenges by the disease got stabilized for many years and his period of mental absence got reversed.  But now a decade later we battle both the physical and mental impact of decades of Parkinson's disease again. There is not much medical help to be expected anymore and we are searching for the right care for my father again.

2) I was recovering from yet another cyst at my buttocks that kept me home and non-seated for a few weeks.   Little did I know that these infected cysts would just return a few months later again for the 3rd time and that it would require surgery that was hardly cured at my wedding day.  How many brides get a nurse cleaning out a wound in the morning of their wedding day? 
Fortunately third time was a charm and this issue never came back anymore.

3) Jan moved back from London to Belgium and I went to visit him in London for the last time just before his move. After 9 years we were for the first time living together full time both in the same country.

4) Wedding preperations were gearing up for the big day in June.  We were ring shopping, dress shopping , making invitation lists, ...

5) Blogging was often trivial and spontaneous...small comments and updates on a tv or radio program or something were important enough to create a post.  I already had a Facebook account at that time but I 'm not sure if the feed was already created. I was probably still hedging weird eggs on my wall or so.   So anyway,   my blog at that time resembled something hybrid of the current blog and Facebook.

I still love the series of singular saturdays where the title was as long as possible and the post just one word. :)  I was apparently was also still reading lots of books and regularly posting book reviews.

So how different is 2019?

My life now seems so different from back then but the major people have not changed at all. There's just 2 little ones added that take up a lot of my love and attention.

My health worries have been replaced with the little sicknesses from the children.  As stated other health worries are still there.

Jan's still living out of a suitcase a lot of the time and in June we'll celebrate our 10th anniversary together.

But my blog has changed a lot: not the URL, not the blogging frequence but the blogging content and style.

And me? I still suffer from acne and greasy hair like I did back then. I ressemble a teenager at any age :D


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